How to Be Fully Present in Your Body

The cosmic energy flow contains some pretty intense energetics at the moment and to successfully ride the waves of transformation that these energies are bringing forward we need to remember to stay awake, aware, and fully present in our bodies, anchored deeply into the core of Mother Earth. Without the stability that this provides it is much easier to lose our centre and more difficult to see beyond the old patterns and issues that just need to be released and transformed.

I have created this short video to remind you how to fully inhabit your physical body and to engage the flow of love and light that connects you with Mother Earth and with Source, in an ever moving spiral of expanding light that can help to hold you in balance and connection, no matter what is going on around you.

In my experience the more I focus on anchoring myself deeply into my physical body and consciously engaging the flow of light and love, the more the connection expands and the more comfortable I feel. I have also shared my favourite essence spray for helping me with this process each day.

If you are feeling a bit ungrounded or destabilised in the current, turbulent energy flow you might find this short video a helpful reminder of how to anchor and re centre. Enjoy!

Catherine Keattch


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